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Fangda double piston rod cylinder QGEW-2, QGEW-2R, QGEW-2V, QGEW-2K overall dimensions sample parameter selection manual

Fangda double piston rod cylinder QGEW-2, QGEW-2R, QGEW-2V, QGEW-2K overall dimensions sample parameter selection manual

Belonging Brand:Fangda
Belonging Series:Double piston rod type cylinder
Update time:2025-03-18 09:36:14
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1. It is a derivative series of the imported 10A-5 series cylinder. It has the characteristics of the 10A-5 series and most parts are common. 1. span>

2. Force can be output from both ends, or a limit retaining ring can be installed on one end to adjust the cylinder stroke.
